Dear Friends and Family,
As your Elected Kings County District Attorney, my leadership skills have been demonstrated through the work ethic, dedication, preparedness, honesty, and integrity that I have lived by my entire life. I would be honored to continue serving as your District Attorney.
Since I took office on January 5, 2015, the Kings County District Attorney’s Office has maintained increasing efficiency of operations and commitment to justice for all. During this time, we continue to increase the skill of our attorneys, we have instituted a “paper-on-demand” and a digital case management system, and we have given our prosecutors more “in-house training” than ever before. We continue to work with community and law enforcement leaders, and we have had open and honest discussions about how we can improve the service of public safety to the residents of Kings County. We continue to conduct more community outreach than ever before. Each year we have sponsored events to bring awareness to issues that affect public safety; such as, Human Trafficking, Gangs, Child Abuse, Spousal Abuse, Teen Dating Violence, Homelessness, Drunk Driving and many other areas of concern. We recently had the foresight to create the District Attorney K-9 program that includes narcotics detection, victim therapy, and interview K-9's. We have made many other improvements; however, there are too many on which to comment here. I am proud of the progress and relationship building that has taken place; however, there is more work to be done.
Under my continued leadership, and with our highly qualified and dedicated staff, we have proven results that maintain your District Attorney’s Office as an efficient and highly ethical prosecution team. We have maintained honesty, integrity, skill, and experience. We continue to improve how cases are investigated, processed, and prosecuted. We continue to expand the District Attorney’s Victim-Witness Assistance unit, and I will continue to give victims, law enforcement, the public, and all people a voice against crime in Kings County.
Today, we are a responsive, fair, and well-trained team who seek truth and deliver justice. I am proud of our hard-work and accomplishments. My predecessor allowed a backlog of approximately 2900 cases to exist. Every year our team completes and delivers all viable criminal complaints submitted to court with no backlog. We went from having nearly thousands of cases under attorney review, to only a few. Our fiscal responsibility is demonstrated by the annual savings of more than 1/2 Million dollars each year. Our hard work and proven results brings more that 4.5 million dollars to Kings County each year, above and beyond that contributed by the county general fund.
I am asking for your vote to keep the progress going and to maintain the confidence you deserve in your District Attorney.
Keith L. Fagundes
District Attorney
County of Kings